Tuesday, September 11, 2007

E books-part.02

rtist: The Books
Album Title: Lost And Safe
Date Of Release: April 5, 2005
Genre: Indie
Bitrate: variable "--alt-preset standard"

On their third full-length release, Lost and Safe, the Books show that they are back stronger than ever and from the beginning are subtly pushing new forms. Still present in the Books' song structures are string work and found sounds, but the inclusion of vocals from the bandmembers themselves gives Lost and Safe a depth that was only hinted at on Thought for Food and Lemon of Pink. The use of more vocals is never overbearing and works well with the other elements of speech, at times completing sentences or thoughts of particular samples -- the lyrics are printed with the sample text included as well. Rhythms and textures of strings and other various instruments seem to complement the found sounds and samples to a wonderfully haunting effect, as on "It Never Changes to Stop," "An Animated Description of Mr. Maps," and "Venice." The Books manipulate sound elements that are found or created by their string playing, which can be jarring at times, as on "Be Good to Them Always." Lost and Safe is subtle and dramatic throughout, as the Books use all of their musical resources to create an album that sounds like the members of a modern Gastr del Sol might have discovered computers and sounds deep in the woods or in the cracks of high-tech buildings, and incorporated these elements in their music-making. From the songwriting to the production to the performance, the whole package that the Books present with Lost and Safe works wonderfully and makes for a very rewarding listen. - David Serra

After two albums that spread like wildfire solely on word of mouth and self-propagating critical acclaim, this duo from Massachussetts return with their third album. It is even more cohesive and song-based than "Lemon Of Pink." Their core of cello, mandolin, banjo & guitar has been augemented with new instruments and a now overflowing library of found sounds and serendipitously found spoken word passages
source: amazon.com

A few deep breaths after finishing their acclaimed record "The Lemon of Pink", The Books set out to make their third album, "Lost and Safe". Still based in North Adams, MA, The Books moved their studio across town from a freezing cold pantry in a ramshackle tenement into a moderately sized bedroom in the attic of a historic victorian, heat included. A big step up, indeed. They busied themselves buying up unmarked audio tapes at Salvation Armies across the east coast, expanding their notorious library of found sounds and samples to truly absurd proportions. Along with The Books' mainstay cello, guitar, mandolin and banjo, which all make appearances in "Lost and Safe", they also invested in a few new instruments to play with, most notably: a set of tuned plastic drain pipes, a cheap metal filing cabinet with subwoofers installed in it, and a vintage Hohner clavinet, which they salvaged from a Dutch basement and restored to funkiness. Also, Nick taught himself how to sing, more or less, and Paul forged ahead in building an impressive library of found video and fonts that will be a feature of their first live tour in May, 2005.

A synaesthetic quality pervades "Lost and Safe" as it explores new territory within the collage based production style set forth by its two predecessors. It is a song based album, conceived of as a whole, that weaves found voices and original lyrics together with a constantly shifting instrumentation that defies classification. Ancient texts cross-polinate readymade vocals while sticks and stones excite the resonant frequencies of bendy straws and altered furniture. Inside-out cellos harmonize with slow-motion ring tones
source: Tomlab.de

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